Is Allah All Loving?
Verily all praise is for Allah, we praise Him and seek His aid and ask for His forgiveness and we seek refuge with Allah from the evils of ourselves and our evil actions. Whomever Allah guides there is none who can misguide him, and whomever Allah misguides there is none who can guide him, and I bear witness that none has the right to be worshiped except Allah alone, having no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger
(this is how Prophet SAW used to start his speech Nisai 3278)
My Lord, open up my heart [with assurance] And ease for me my task And untie the knot from my tongue That they may understand my speech. Ameen
To understand this concept one must have a belief in hereafter (Judgment day) and that this world is a test for humans.
You might have heard Christians and even some Muslims saying that Allah/God is all loving and merciful. Those people who claim this let's look at this practically, (I am gonna use an example used by a scholar) If you have an enemy and his wife has 4 to 5 small children would you wish for that woman to die or kill her? but every day you see women dying who have small kids, If you look at Gaza we see many innocent kids, women and men killed by Israel every year or month or every day some of it is shown in media others not because Israel owns media DEEP POCKETS ... similarly in occupied Kashmir many innocents are killed by Indians and Uyghurs Muslim by Chinese and many more Muslims by the invading US armies. So where is the all loving that you claim....
Those Muslims who claim that Allah loves a human 70 times more than his mother (this statement is also not found in any Hadith if you do, do tell me). So based on this do Allah loves Pharaoh or Abu Jahal the same way? It is a fact that Allah is merciful but not the way that we have imagined Him that He loves us like our mother or like our grandparents does. No No No that's not it.
[O Muhammad], inform My servants that it is I who am the Forgiving, the Merciful. (49) And that it is My punishment which is the painful punishment. (50) [Al Hijr 15: 49-50]
The balance....
He has some set of rules if someone breaks it He doesn't see or care who that person is, that person is punished severely. Let's understand it with some examples
Take the example of Battle of Uhad the Prophet SAW ordered, a you can say small battalion of archers, to not leave that hill even if you see our dead bodies being eaten by crows and vultures but when they saw Quraysh running and Muslims gathering the booty most of them disobeyed that order (unintentionally) and left that hill while some stayed and they even told them not to leave the spot. Then, what happened, Quraysh under the leadership of Khalid bin Waleed RA ( who was not Muslim at that time) came from the back of that very hill and Muslims lost, more than 70 Muslims became martyrs even the Prophet's face was damaged and the blood loss was so much that there were rumors that the Prophet SAW has died. So look at what Allah did, when the Sahaba disobeyed, He even didn't care that His most beloved Prophet was amongst them and a small portion of His wrath you can say grazed them.
So one scholar deduced from this, that even if the Prophet is among the Ummah and his followers disobey Allah, the blessings and presence of Prophet don't favor them and they including the Prophet (in case of Uhud) even though it was not his fault but they faced the wrath of Allah. SO think about it, we don't have Prophet among us and if we are to disobey Allah then .....
Some people might say that we won't be destroyed as a nation as the ProphetI know we won't be destroyed as a ummah but what about on the Last Day or look at it from a different angle the Prophet was an Arab and then Arab ruled for quite some time but then they were beaten by Mongols, then Turks took over then they fell by the British and so on ......
The story of Prophet Yunus AS, he left his nation before Allah ordering him to do so and then in short whale ate him.
And [mention] the man of the fish, when he went off in anger and thought that We would not decree [anything] upon him. And he called out within the darknesses, "There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers." [Anbiya 21:87]
Then the fish swallowed him, while he was blameworthy. (142)
And had he not been of those who exalt Allah, (143) He would have remained inside its belly until the Day they are resurrected. (144) [As-Saffat 37:142-144]
So even when Prophet kinda of disobeyed Allah (although it was not complete disobedience, it was making a stand without consenting Allah) He even didn't care that he was a Prophet (Prophets are the best of mankind, we are nothing compared to them) but when the Prophet repented Allah showed his mercy. So what are we this was the case with the Prophet.
When Prophet Musa AS went to mount tur and the Bani Israel started to worship the idol of the calf. To cut the story short. How did Allah forgive them?
And [recall] when Moses said to his people, "O my people, indeed you have wronged yourselves by your taking of the calf [for worship]. So repent to your Creator and kill yourselves. That is best for [all of] you in the sight of your Creator." Then He accepted your repentance; indeed, He is the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful. [Baqara 2:54]
so to get forgiveness Allah asked them to "kill yourselves" what it means is that they were 12 clans so each clan would have to kill his clan member who started worshipping that calf, and it is said in Taurah that almost 70,000 people were killed, because there crime was soo big (by the way they were the Jews, they were the chosen ones back then they were the Muslims back then they were the Sahaba of Musa AS).. that's how strict Allah is and these days we bow down in front of graves and have made different walis of Allah and we worship them. Astagfirullah
There are many more examples but I think I made my point clear that if you disobey Allah, He is very strict in his matters. He is not the God which our scholars have introduced us to.
We don't pray and think it's ok, "Allah is merciful". Allah sent his Book to us we don't read and try to understand it, we will study a book of physics, chemistry, we will even give our all in trying to understand the nano technology, nuclear physics, machine learning and deep learning and all of its complex theories and laws but we won't even care to study the book that was sent to us by Allah which is a million times more easier than any of these books that I mentioned and we think it's ok, Allah won't show his wrath. We will cheat in our exams, cheat people in our daily life dealings, we lie and eat haraam and we expect Allah to be merciful toward us.
And let not those who disbelieve ever think that [because] We extend their time [of enjoyment] it is better for them. We only extend it for them so that they may increase in sin, and for them is a humiliating punishment.
[Al e Imran 3:178]
Some of you might say that there are hadith that Allah might like a single deed of a person and due to which He may send him to Jannah that's true but one in a million chance that might be. We should hope for that that person will be us but it doesn't mean to stop doing good deeds and start disobeying Allah.
Only when we start to do our part then can we claim his mercy. He only loves those, is merciful to those, who obey Him and knows their mistake and when they commit a sin they repent and ask for Allah's forgiveness. Only then can we claim his mercy.
Wallahu Alam
O Allah! Enable us to see the Truth as Truth and give us the ability to follow it. And show us the falsehood as false and give us the ability to refrain from it. Ameen
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