Who is responsible for defaming Islam?
Bismillah hir Rahman Nir Raheem
My Lord, expand for me my chest [with assurance] And ease for me my task And untie the knot from my tongue That they may understand my speech. Ameen
After reading the heading you would probably be thinking that I will be talking about the extremist Muslims and Molvis. No I am not, they may also be responsible for this but today my focus will not be on them. There are many more people who are also responsible for defaming Islam or more precisely they have made their own versions of Islam.
There are some people in our society nowadays who call themselves "Muslim" but they don't follow anything that Allah says. They do what they feel like doing and preach that as well. They don't follow any commandments and they say that the Islam was for the people who lived 1400 years ago now we have to adapt according to time for example if someone says that the conventional banking is forbidden in Islam. They don't believe that and try their best to convince people regarding it. Whenever someone tells them that what you are doing is wrong it is against the commandments of Islam. They say that it is my life I can do whatever I want and whenever I want there is no restrictions on me. These people are the one's who were born in a Muslim family that's why they have to keep up with Islam and due to public pressure they can't change their religion. One thing which I should clarify is that I am talking about those Liberals and Seculars who know what Islam is and who knows about the fundamentals of Islam but still don't care about it. We have many people in our mainstream media and some NGO's which are working day and night to make people hate Islam and to mould Islam according to their own likings. Allah says in Quran
Did you ever consider the case of him who took his desire as his god, and then Allah caused him to go astray despite knowledge, and sealed his hearing and his heart, and cast a veil over his sight? Who, after Allah, can direct him to the Right Way? Will you not take heed? [Al Jathiya 45:23]
On the other hand, their are people on another extreme who have made Islam into something which is totally different from the one that was revealed on our Prophet SAW. These people thinks that they are more intelligent than the Prophet SAW Nauzubillah. They have such types of Ibadah which are not prescribed in Quran or in any Hadith or even not a single companion of Prophet SAW did that. They have made their own way of zikr and they say we are pleasing Allah, our intentions are good. People don't understand that the intention doesn't matter when you are doing a deed that has no basis in Islam. On the other hand you are trying to say that the Prophet didn't know that this is also a way to please Allah and we found it 😶.
All these deeds that they do are transmitted by a third or fourth person. Person A would be telling a person B that there are some people who has different powers like flying, or other powers which they obtain by doing Ibadah, now these things which he heard from a person C (which person B don't know about) who was talking about a person D. It is never like, person A says that look this is it I have some supernatural powers to person B. Their was a video of a person I saw on Facebook, he was giving a speech and he said that there were three awliya that were flying and they were approaching a person who was higher in rank than them, so two of those guys turned and changed their direction while one didn't and he fell. Now these types of stories has no basis, and those who say that by doing certain zikr and Ibadah we obtain such powers, are they doing it more than the companions of Prophet SAW or are they doing things which the Companions of Prophet didn't know because the life of companions of Prophet were full of struggles and hardship. They had to walk long distance to just pray in masjid. If there were such powers wouldn't then the Companions would have flied directly to masjid.
If you ask those people who believe such stories about the basis, they keep on diverting the topic and don't answer properly and they say search it yourself 😐. If you say that Prophet and the companion didn't do such things they say than you shouldn't travel in aeroplane and ride a motorcycle because the Prophet didn't 😑. Then they say that swaying our body and dancing is a form of zikr. My question is Quran was revealed on the Prophet it was his duty to tell us what zikr is?! Did he not tell what zikr is? These people say ya gauss e aazam or daata Saab or many more names and why? I don't know, they don't even know the meaning of these. Allah says in Quran
Do not call upon any apart from Allah on those who have no power to benefit or hurt you. For if you call upon others than Allah you will be reckoned among the wrong-doers.[Yunus 10:106]
Those who say dancing and swaying of body and clapping are a type of Ibadah or zikr. Allah says in Quran
Their Prayer at the House is nothing but whistling and handclapping. Taste, then, this chastisement for your denying the truth.[Anfal 8:35]
They believe in "wahdat ul wujood" which means unity of existence. They do not have the idea of a Creator and His creation, instead they say that everything is creation and everything is god.
They also believe that some Awliya has a power to see the unseen (GAIB) there is another article of mine on ilm e gaib.
Say: "None in the heavens or on the earth has knowledge of the Unseen save Allah. They do not know when they will be raised to life." [Naml 27:65]
My point here is that both these types of people have nothing to do with Islam as ISIS have nothing to do with Muslims or Islam.
One should know what standards to follow. In Islam what are the standards to judge what is right and what is wrong. They are only two, Quran and Hadith. Read it with translation try to understand it, don't read it, like you read your course books to just pass the exams. Try to understand what Allah is saying what are his orders and how will we go to Jannah before it's too late.
He who is negligent to remember the Merciful One, to him We assign a satan as his boon companion,[Zukhruf 43:36]
One thing you should keep in mind is that the Shaytaan has a brilliant convincing power. He convinced Prophet Adam and Hawaa A.S in eating the fruit of the tree. Although they knew who Satan was and they knew he is our enemy and Allah had strictly instructed them to not go near that tree but still Shaytaan convinced them into doing it . SO be very careful.
O Allah! Enable us to see the Truth as Truth and give us the ability to follow it. And show us the falsehood as false and give us the ability to refrain from it. Ameen
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