Movies & Games Future mind mappers?

Movies & Games Future mind mappers?

 Bismillah hir Rahman Nir Raheem

Note: This blog doesn't imply that one should not play these games or watch these movies. Play and watch but with open mind 

From as long as I can remember I love playing games, one could say I am a hardcore gamer. I play games or watch movies to learn something from it. It's always for the story. When I was little I mostly played games like Medal of Honour, Call of Duty, Commandos etc. During that age the army FPS (first person shooter) games mostly revolved around World Wars for few exceptions like Delta Force, in it mostly enemies were Muslims either Afghans or Iraqis so we were not allowed to play this game even if we did we would be playing the demo version and killing all the friendlies๐Ÿ˜…. Although there was a strict rule set up by our father not to kill or even shoot the friendlies and if the enemies were Muslims that game was not allowed. I remember the first airforce game we played was Israel AirForce we used to bomb our own base as soon as we used to take off because all the mission's included killing Muslims๐Ÿ˜….

Brainwashing by games

Later on as I grew older I started to realise one should say slight brainwashing using these games. First of all the history, these games were telling kids history in their own version making themselves the heroes and all that shit either it be World War games or Assassin's Creed. Secondly, for the future they were preparing the mindsets of people for example in a game showing that this country has some nuclear warheads and they have gone bad and all that so it is the duty of US to save the day brainwashing the kids that invading other countries is okay and if we do it in the future they won't react to it. Although maybe in the game they did the right thing but in reality they might not do it according to books they would be doing tyranny.

History Changing:
                                (In terms of gameplay this mission was an exciting one ๐Ÿ˜…)
                               The big Afghan and soviet war everyone knows that US was minding his own business it was too afraid to go against the soviets. It started supplying aid when It saw that Afghans were winning and all that. Now if we look at Call of Duty Black Ops 2 there is a mission in it where we (US marines) are in Afghanistan and we help the Afghans defeat the soviets making US the hero  not only that but it is shown that when we defeat the Soviets the Afghan leader double crosses us obviously "Muslim's are the bad guys." One would say nah that's okay it's just a game. What this whole thing did was silently planted into the subconscious of the young generation that they would think that the occupation of US in Afghanistan was justified and they deserved it and all that.  

Invading Countries:
                                   There are many games and movies that are slowly brainwashing, that in the future if US invades any country it's probably for the good reason as shown in movies and games. First of all the bad guys are usually Muslims if not then Russians the US people are so innocent they are like Angels. There are many examples from movies and games I will mention a few of them. First let's talk about movies, Iron man the big hero in the iron suit he can't be wrong right? well in Iron man 3 there is a scene now where Rhodes in search of Mandarin enter Pakistan's airspace (like its that easy huh!, try entering in real time there would be homing missiles following your ass and then a cup of tea ๐Ÿ˜‰) and enters into a factory where it can be seen that women are working . It's that easy they have the right to enter any country han! bullshit.

Lets talk about G.I.Joe Retaliation their bullshit is on another level as the movie starts it is shown that some people have assassinated the president of Pakistan, like there is no Pak Army or ISI shown which are considered one of the top Armies and top Intelligence agency. So as usual US Marines or special Ops comes to save the day, who the hell asked you guys to come here?! It is shown that the terrorists are caring the nuclear weapon like it's some sort of crate of potatoes or something like WTH!! All this is to create a mindset that such a country don't deserve to have a nuclear weapons and to create a mindset that it should be taken from the Pakistani's and all that.

One more movie I would like to talk about it is World War Z. It is shown in this movie that Israel has made wall to protect itself from zombies, many of you might not know that this wall actually exists. It was created by Israel when it occupied Palestinian lands to throw these people out. It is known as Israel West Bank barrier. They claim it is to keep the terrorist (Palestinians who are the owners of these lands) out.

Let's look into some games. Firstly the Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare, it is shown, no name of the country is taken but the map is shown and it is the map of Saudi Arabia. It is shown that the president is assassinated (to cover up that it is not Saudia because they have kings and all that) and an army leader has taken over the country so it is a duty of US because they got nothing else to do, so they deploy thousands of troops, artillery and choppers to take the so called "bad guys" down. To make it a more convincing and justifiable that their invasion was justified in the end they show that the bad guy launches a nuclear bomb in the country which they overtook like WTH!.  So you know to make the real invasions of Syria, Libya, Iraq look more justifiable.

Let's talk about Call of Duty Black Ops 2 again, this time they invaded Pakistan. In one of the mission while tracking the bad guy we (the US "heroes") comes to Pakistan Lahore which is shown as a flooded place and everything is destroyed and there I think I don't remember very well we kill one of the generals. 

Now let's talk about the upcoming Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War. As we all know that Turkey is a bit bold and it also talk back about the tyranny that US, Israel or other countries are causing. It has also become popular these days that the sanctions which were imposed on Turkey when the Khilafat e Osmania was dissolved are also coming to an end. So in Call of Duty Cold War's first gameplay trailer which was released recently shows that the "US heroes" are in Turkey meaning it is also not a safe country.

  All these games and movies are made by the West and don't get me started on Medal of Honour. If you look at the games of Japan like Metal Gear Solid Phantom pain and all in the series they show what US really is ๐Ÿ˜„. There are many more Movies and Games where Islam or Muslims are shown as a root of all evil.

This is one of the main reason why Ertugrul have gained such huge popularity in such a short time because after so many years a series is made which showed that what Muslims are, even in this series there is a balance if a Muslim is a traitor than he is a bad guy not like these games where they are almost Angels. It showed Muslims narrative and how the enemies infiltrate between us and all that.

Now this blog was written to educate you guys. You should play games I am not against it, even I play these games but with an open mind knowing what is right and what is wrong.


  1. Bro amazing literally amazing... I too remember as a child I used to play delta force with my father until Baba came to know it was against Muslims. Well after that we played IGI (we couldn't stop gaming...������)


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